Optimising Nokia's marketing approach based on consumer behaviour
José Hoogland (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
Promoting Healthy Work for Employees with Chronic Illness
Kristin ten Have; Anja Dijkman; Rob Gründemann (Lector); Cees Wevers
People counting with stereo cameras
Englebienne, Gwenn; van Oosterhout, Tim; Kröse, B.J.A.
Textiles for protection at the workplace
Bottenberg, E. (Eliza) (Researcher); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Luiken, A. (Anton) (Researcher)
Amaidi: How to make expectations of volunteers more realistic?
Lian van Mourik (Student)
Oral health related quality of life among imprisoned Dutch forensic psychiatric patients
Buunk-Werkhoven, Yvonne; Dijkstra, Arie; Schaub, Rob M H; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Spreen, Marinus
The MineBurner : entering the humanitarian demining market
Laura B. Slavov (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
Students' educational careers in Higher Education: a search into key factors regarding study outcome
Dr. Cyrille A.C. Van Bragt
Mind-mapping in the EFL classroom
Lonneke Notermans (Begeleider); Carolien Hofland (Student)
Marketing Research Report : new product feasibility research and development recommendation [for FY Co.]
Meng Zhang (Student); R.C.M. Nijman (Begeleider); L.J. Harris (Begeleider)