Zocht je misschien: principles, principe?
Employment-Related Concerns of HIV-Positive People in the Netherlands: Input for a Multidisciplinary Guideline
M.N. Wagener (Lid Lectoraat); P.D.D.M. Roelofs (Lid Lectoraat); S.E.M. van Opstal (Lid Lectoraat); D.P.M. Brandjes; R. Dahmen; E.C.M. van Gorp; H.S. Miedema (Lector)
Written pain neuroscience education in fibromyalgia
van Ittersum, Miriam; van Wilgen, C. Paul; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Lambrecht, Luc; Groothoff, Johan W.; Nijs, Jo
The relationship between teacher personality and teacher quality
Buttner, Svenja; Pijl, Sip Jan
Veranderende grondexploitatiemodellen
Simone van Ee (Student); Jan Jaap de Kroes (Begeleider); Emelieke Huisman (Begeleider)
Designing for responsibility: five desiderata of military robots
M. Harbers (Lector); T.J. Baar; Marieke M.M. Peeters
Decentralized (bio)gas storage design with small scale MTT/CAES/TES
de Rooij, Marietta; Koopman, Folkert; van Weerden, Hans; de Boer, Robert; Pelletier, Christine
Resonsibility to Protect - North Korea
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Nick Perre (Student)
Romania and Bulgaria and the Freedom of Workers in Germany
Anne Geerken (Student); Martijn Lak (Begeleider); Paul Shotton (Begeleider)
TTIP: EU GMO policy alignment?
Paul Shotton (Begeleider); Isabella Stojkovski (Student)
Know-Why and Design: Key differences between craft and profession, Illustrated at orthopaedic shoemaking.
F.C. Holtkamp (Docent); A. Dehing