Modeling the performance of coated LPG tanks engulfes in fires
Cozzani, V. (V) (Researcher); Landucci, G. (G) (Researcher); Molag, M. (Menso) (Lector)
Universal capacity measurement system integration & improvement
Floris Grommen (Student)
Influence of the paint baking cycle on the mechanical properties of AHSS welded structures in automotive assemblies
Nick den Uijl; S.M. Smith; T. Okada; M. Uchihara; K. Fukui
Een kleine stap voor de mens, een grote stap voor prothesesporters. Sporten met een onderbeenprothese en prothese-enkel.
Dymphy van der Wilk (Student); Lianne van Dijk (Begeleider)
T-shaped engineers for interdisciplinary innovation: an attractive perspective for young people as well as a must for innovative organisations
Oskam, I. F. (Kenniscentrum Techniek); van den Bogaard, Maartje; de Graaff, Erik; Saunders-Smits, Gillian
The ability to develop innovative products as a relevant competence for engineering students
Ir. Peter van Kollenburg (Docent); Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent); Ir. Reinder Bakker (Docent)
Combination of heliox and CPAP without a ventilator
Dieperink, W; Knol, J A; Boersma, H J; Eindhoven, G B; Aarts, L P H J; Goorhuis, J F; Nijsten, M W N
Focussing Innovation Strategy for Sustainability in Chemical Industry
John J. Hageman; Jan Venselaar (Lector)
Discomfort and factual recollection in intensive care unit patients
van de Leur, Johannes P; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Loef, Bert G; Deelman, Betto G; Geertzen, Jan H B; Zwaveling, Jan H
Bridging future needs to todays companies' capabilities. competences of the new (human) engineer.
Ir. H.G.M. Geraedts (Docent); Dr. Ir. ing. C. Blokhuizen (Docent); Ir. M. Rutten (Docent); Ir. P. Leijten (Docent)