The impact of the implementation of physician assistants in inpatient care: A multicenter matched-controlled study
M.C.J. Timmermans; Anneke van Vught; Y Peters; G Meermans; JGM Peute; CT Postma; PC Smit; E Verdaasdonk; TSD Reilingh; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
Guidance by physicians and pharmacists during antidepressant therapy
Mariëtte Nederlof (Onderzoeker); Daniёlle C Cath (Onderzoeker); Lennart J Stoker (Onderzoeker); Toine Egberts (Onderzoeker); Rob Heerdink (Lector)
Higher education lecturers' criteria for 'Good Research'
Griffioen, Didi M.E. (Hogeschool Van Amsterdam); Roosenboom, Bart H.W.; de Jong, Uulkje
Improving maritime maintenance through condition monioring and condition based management
Flip Wubben (Begeleider); P.J.H.M. Potmeer (Student); Arie de Groot (Begeleider)
Effective international knowledge exchange to rehabilitate rivers in urban delta’s: case study Metropolitan Manilla
Boogaard, Floris; Boer, Eric; Heikoop, Rick; Palsma, Marius
Explyre “Connect through passions” Ondernemingsplan
Jelle van Oosten Slingeland (Student)
Bachelorscriptie klanttevredenheid
Ralph Keekstra (Student)
Safe and effective nursing shift handover with NURSEPASS
Smeulers, Marian; Dolman, Christine D.; Atema, Danielle; van Dieren, Susan; Maaskant, Jolanda M.; Vermeulen, Hester
Implementation of a Transfer Intervention Procedure (TIP) to improve handovers from hospital to home: interrupted time series analysis
van Seben, Rosanne; Geerlings, Suzanne E.; Verhaegh, Kim J.M.; Hilders, Carina G.J.M.; Buurman, Bianca M.
Implementation quality of family literacy programmes: a review of literature
R. van Steensel; A.J.S. van Gelderen (Lector); S. de la Rie (Lid Lectoraat)