Effective 21st century learning: An approach to successful incorporation of the new learning in language teaching
Ouafâ Mhaoui (Student); Heidi van den Tillaar (Begeleider)
The use of Competence Based Education and Training (CBET), Interactive Teaching Methods, Learning-by-Doing and Student Focused Teaching at Agricultural Colleges in South Africa
Nel, J. (Student); Moor, I.R. de
Expertise development in the college classroom: new insights
M. Boekaerts; J.S. Rozendaal
Physical education at the Newtown Schools in Ghana
Bart Raijmakers (Begeleider); Fey van Lith (Student); Rens Pijnenburg (Student)
Teacher learning through reciprocal peer coaching
R.C. Zwart; Th. Wubbels; S. bolhuis (Lector); Th.C.M. Bergen
Skilled enough?! How motor developed are students?
Tijn van de Wiel (Student); Frank de Kok (Begeleider)
Teacher learning through reciprocal peer coaching: An analysis of activity sequences
R.C. Zwart; Th. Wubbels; S. Bolhuis (Lector); Th.C.M. Bergen
Factors influencing effective learning in instructional skill training for vocational instructors : learning for change : a case of Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI), Bhaktapur, Nepal
Neupane, S.K. (Student); Koucher, A.; Witteveen, L.
The European Dimension In Pre-Vocational Secondary Education - Preparing VMBO pupils on their role as European Citizens
H.L. van Hoof (Student); Chris (red.) Aalberts (Begeleider)
Teaching and learning
S. Bolhuis (Lector); L. Fluit