An educational design for future food business entrepreneurs in Rwanda
Brink, KK (Kamy) van den (Student)
Academic Procrastination: The relationship between academic procrastination, goal setting and character traits.
Valderen, R (Ruben) van (Student)
Perceived Factors of Influence on the Implementation of a Multidimensional Project to Improve Patients' Movement Behavior during Hospitalization
Petra Bor (Onderzoeker); Lotte van Delft (Onderzoeker); Karin Valkenet (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Using the theoretical domains framework to inform strategies to support dietitians undertaking body composition assessments in routine clinical care
CJD Jobber; SA Wilkinson; EK Hughes; F Nave; Barbara van der Meij
Improving food waste prevention and management
Audrey Janssen (Student); Titus van der Spek (Begeleider)
The 2015 refugee crisis and political alienation in the EU
Kim Spaansen (Student); A. (Andreas) Funk (Begeleider)
An effective Ocean Bottle’s web design to engage European millennials
Lysaifeni Wout (Student); Agota Szabo (Begeleider)
A knowledge broker in the middle:making connections in the city.
Ginger Baegen (Student); Karijn Nijhoff (Onderzoeker); Sam Peper; Katja Rusinovic (Lector); Stefanie Schuddebeurs (Onderzoeker)
Ticket to Category
Niels van Benthem (Student)
A Health Care Value Framework for Physical Therapy Primary Health Care Organizations
Rutger IJntema (Lid Lectoraat); Di-Janne Barten (Lid Lectoraat); Hans Duits (Lid Lectoraat); Brian Tjemkes; Cindy Veenhof (Lector)