Controlling galvanometers for Fourier domain Optical Coherence Tomography for ophthalmology research
C. Swarts (Begeleider); N. van der Houwen (Begeleider); Joost de Jong (Student)
Intergenerational transmission of occupational status: The role of voluntary association membership as an emerging compensatory strategy of reproduction
Jasper van Houten; M. Gesthuizen; M. Wolbers
A sociological perspective on "the unmotivated client": public accountability and professional work methods in vocational rehabilitation
Lineke van Hal; A Meershoek; F Nijhuis; K Horstman
The selling entrepreneur in transition: towards a conceptual model of liminality
Edwin Weesie (Lid Lectoraat)
Deliberating justice policy in the European Union
Santino Lo Bianco (Lid Lectoraat)
Dependencies of driver steering control parameters
Joop Pauwelussen
The Future of a Promise
Emma Mulders (Student); W.B. van Dam (Begeleider)
Statusverwerving en de rol van verenigingslidmaatschap als nieuwe compenserende strategie.
Jasper van Houten; M. Gesthuizen; M. Wolbers
Self-leadership, Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Productivity in the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates
John Politis; Paul Breman (Lector)
Digital Marketing and Measurement Model
Joanna Kurek (Student); W. B. van Dam (Begeleider)