Women in Egypt after the Arab Spring
Moed (Begeleider); Kelly Haak (Student)
The Startertraject Chamber of Commerce Zoetermeer
B.A.M.M. Kuijpers (Begeleider); M.C.A. van de Corput (Student)
Turkey Between East and West
Liz L.N. Egberts (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
Role and effectiveness of NGOs in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Enitsa M. Gabrovska (Student)
Changes in the Dutch development coorperation policy
M. van Munster (Begeleider); Elaine Voorderhaak (Student)
Burmese refugees in Thailand: what are their rights?
T.A. Parlevliet (Begeleider); Ilona Meurs (Student)
Education, the missing link of the Roma : approaching the truancy problem of Roma in the Netherlands
C. Thomas Jan Herweijer (Student); F.M. Termes (Begeleider)
Public Access to Justice in European Union Member States
C.M. Nigten (Begeleider); Victoria Eelsing (Student)
The role of schools' perceived human resource policies in teachers' professional development activities: a comparative study of innovations toward competence-based education
Prof. Dr. Rob F. Poell; Dr. Audrey Seezink (Docent)