Symposium auditieve verwerkingsproblemen (AVP)
de Wit, Ellen; Leijenaar, Bauke; Visser Bochane, Margot
Uitkomsten van de ‘Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance’ (CO-OP) voor kinderen met DCD : Multipele Casestudie - Kwantitatief deel
Marieke Lindenschot; A. Kottorp; Esther Steultjens
Oral language and narrative skills in children with specific language impairment with and without literacy delay: A three-year longitudinal study
Pol Ghesquière; Inge Zink; Bart Boets; Tinne Boons; Ellen Vandewalle (Lid Lectoraat)
Prednisolone-induced beta cell dysfunction is associated with impaired endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis in INS-1E cells
Linssen, Margot M L; van Raalte, Daniel H; Toonen, Erik J M; Alkema, Wynand (Data Science For Life Science & Health); van der Zon, Gerard C; Dokter, Wim H; Diamant, Michaela; Guigas, Bruno; Ouwens, D Margriet
Overall intelligibility, articulation, resonance, voice and language in a child with Nager syndrome.
H. Vermeersch; Anke Luyten (Docent); G. Mortier; K. Bettens; K. van Lierde; A. Tijskens
Segregation, inclusion and the transition to adulthood for students with a visual impairment
Dr. Hans Schuman (Lector)
Muziektherapie bij NAH-patienten
Linda Boxman
Feasibility and reliability of the modified berg balance scale in persons with severe intellectual and visual disabilities
Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); van Wijck, R.; Steenbergen, B.; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Psychometric properties of the PAT: an assessment tool for ADL performance of older people living in residential homes
Weening-Dijksterhuis, Betsy; Kamsma, Y.P.; Heuvelen, M.J.
Light conditions for older adults in the nursing home
Joost van Hoof (Docent); M.M. Sinoo; H.S.M. Kort