Regions in transition - Common challenges. Innovation capacities & skills gap
Manickam, Anu; van Lieshout, Harm; Bakker, Diederich
Innovative lignocellulosic cropping systems in Europe: combining knowledge from several EU-projects.
van Haren, R.J.F.
Dag van Stad en Regio 2019
Bulder, E.A.M.
Creating Healthier Environments in the Rural Areas in the Northern regions of The Netherlands
Shokoohi, Roya
Modelling the distribution of Galeorhinus galeus and Mustelus asterias in the Greater North- and Celtic Seas to provide recommendations for improved shark management under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Brefeld, D. (Student); Meyer, L. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Rippen, J.C.
Identifying the Effects of the Rural Demographic Changes in the Northern Netherlands: A Holistic Approach to Create Healthier Environment
Shokoohi, Roya; Bulder, Elisabeth (Living Environment In Transition); van Alphen, Theo; den Hertog, Frank; Hin, Judith
Transitioning the Transport and Land-use system
Switzer, Andrew (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Bertolini, Luca; Grin, J.
The role of the British Mandate (1920-1932) in the developments of political instability in today's Iraq
Hawra Ahmad Nissi (Student); Guido C. van Hengel
The role of the European Union in the Catalan Separation Crisis
Jet van der Kolk (Student); N. Schwan
Boosting the entrepreneurial scene in cities: experiences and reflections from the InFocus network – a short communication
Van Winden, Willem (Kenniscentrum Fbe)