Rap met Uw nieuwe knie op stap!
John Mattijs (Begeleider); Saskia Heestermans (Student); Frank Verhulst (Begeleider); Carla Arts (Student); Anke Scheerens (Student); Kelly Stevens (Student)
Don't wait till the cows come home: Action Research and Initial Teacher Education in three different countries.
P. Ponte (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector)
Integration of Sustainable Development at Dutch Universities for Professional Education: the CIRRUS approach
Jan Venselaar (Lector); T.M.N. Severijn
Thalatta! Thalatta! - The sea! The sea!
V. Enthoven
Locomotor system complaints related to stress : physiotherapeutic interventions for chronic non-specific low back pain taking psychological stress into consideration
Ranveig Heier (Student); Eveline Wouters (Begeleider); Grete Turid Baarsen (Student); Cesilie Høstmælingen (Student); Marijke Moonen (Begeleider)
Een sportdoorverwijssysteem voor CVA-Patiënten Regio Noord-Limburg
Caleb Cooke (Student); Nanda Burgemeester (Student); Bach Herrebout (Student); David Louw (Begeleider); Maurice Stark (Student); Tim van der Stam (Begeleider)