Social Workers’ orientation toward the evidence-based practice process
D.M. (Deirdre) Beneken genaamd Kolmer (Lector); René Schalk; Renske J.M. van der Zwet
Teaching Teachers in Effectual Entrepreneurship.
Koopman, R.G.M. (Ruud) (Lector); Hammer, M.H.M. (Matthijs) (Lector); Hakkert, A. (Arjan) (Lector)
41st Annual Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Congress 2013
Valsdóttir, Kristín
The construct validity and predictive validity of a self-efficacy measure for student teachers in competence-based education
Dr. Johan Braeken; Prof.Dr. Filip Dochy; Mart van Dinther (Docent); Prof.Dr. Mien Segers
The Development of Teacher educators' role as Researcher in New Universities
dr. Gerda Geerdink (Lector); dr. Fer Boei; Quinta Kools (Lector); dr. Martijn Willemse; drs. Haske van Vlokhoven
'The Development of Teacher educators' role as Researcher in New Universities'
dr Fer Boei; Quinta Kools; dr Gerda Geerdink; drs Haske van Vlokhoven; dr Martijn Willemse
A Socratic approach to teaching sustainability
Dimitri van Kelft (Lid Lectoraat); Jan Venselaar (Lector)
An explorative study on the differences between state led and community driven agriculture extension methods as triggers of social innovations: the case of study circles and master farmer training scheme in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe
Mutasa, T.A. (Student); Hoffen, R. van
When sheep trust the shepherd
J. Snoek (Begeleider); J. Bruinsma- de Beer (Begeleider); Beate J. van Vliet (Student)
Becoming a teacher educator: experiences with a specific induction period for beginning teacher educators.
Rita Schildwacht (Lid Lectoraat); Marly Gootzen (Lid Lectoraat); Quinta Kools (Lector); Marije Veraa (Lid Lectoraat)