Bounding the debate on drones
F.P.B. Osinga
Respect and responsibility
Michelle Schut; René Moelker
Calculating possible launcher locations for anti-satellite misseles
R. Savelsberg; L. Koene
Of snoops and pirates
M.G.D. Rothman; Th.B.F.M. Brinkel
The human factor in cyber defence
E. Broos; A.L.W. Vogelaar; P.C. van Fenema
Cyber warfare
P.A.L. Ducheine; F.P.B. Osinga; J.M.L.M. Soeters
An economic analysis of cyber attacks
R.J.M. Beeres; M.T.I.B. Bollen
Beyond cyber-doom
S. Lawson
Coping with disruptive technology
H. de Jong; F.H. Baudet