Expanding Capabilities in Integrated Service Areas (ISAs) As Communities of Care : A Study of Dutch Older Adults’ Narratives on the Life They Have Reason to Value
Roel Jansen; George de Kam; R. Pijpers
Is Bio-P2G technologically attractive as contribution towards balancing the supply and demand of renewable energy?
Hofstede, Gert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Apol, Emile; Wedema, Ronald; Nap, Jan Peter; Faber, Folkert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy)
EDRiT - Eems Dollard Region in Transition
Bulder, E.A.M.
Sustainable built environment
Ivo Opstelten (Lector); Nadia Verdeyen (Lid Lectoraat); Ronald Rovers (Lid Lectoraat); Andy Wagenaar
Challenging obduracy: how local communities transform the energy system
van der Schoor, Tineke; van Lente, Harro; Scholtens, Bert; Peine, Alexander
Community energy
van der Schoor, Tineke; Scholtens, Bert
International Seminar Roundtable
Aué, Jan-jaap
End user research in PowerMatching City II
Wiekens, Carina; Beaulieu, Anne; de Wilde, Jaap; Scherpen, Jacquelien M. A.
EnTrance: Centre of Expertise Energy - "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change."
Aué, Jan-jaap
Dag van de Excellentie 2016
Aué, Jan-jaap