Potential of floating production for delta and coastal cities
B. Dal Bo Zanon; B. Roeffen; K.M. Czapiewska; R.E. de Graaf; P.R. Mooij
EnTrance: Centre of Expertise Energy
Aué, Jan-jaap
EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy
Aué, Jan-jaap
Keep it cool: reducing energy peaks of reefers at terminals
J.H.R. van Duin; H. Geerlings; M.A. Oey; A. Verbraeck
INTRALOG, intelligent autonomous truck applications in logistics
Frans Tillema; Leo Buning; Berry Gerrits; A.F. Spruijt
Bio P2G
Aué, Jan-jaap
Professor Installation
Dam, Jacques
Sustainable LNG technology
Dam, Jacques
Centre of Expertise Energy: EnTranCe
Aué, Jan-jaap