Zocht je misschien: combined?
The restoration of consumer confidence in the financial sector
Leonie Botjes (Student); E.J. van Weperen (Begeleider)
Multimodal narrative as an instrument for social change
Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Associate Lector); Esperanza Morales-López (Onderzoeker)
Research training for teaching staff as a catalyst for professional and institutional development
Crispin, Darla; Stolte, Tine; Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education)
A new hybrid thermal comfort guideline for the Netherlands (ISSO 74: 2014)
A.C. Boerstra; J. van Hoof (Onderzoeker); A.M. van Weele
Posturaroma - The Embodiment of Safety
van Hout, Marco (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Mul, Laura; Bogers, Loes; Ito, Shinichiro; Salamanca, Juan; Desmet, Pieter; Burbano, Andrés; Ludden, Geke; Maya, Jorge
µPlasma Patterning and Inkjet Printing to enhance localized wetting and mixing behaviour
Dr. Ir. M.H.A. van Dongen (Docent)
Selling love to the silver consumer
Ad Franzen (Begeleider); Roosmarijn Eversdijk (Student); Evelyn Bekooij-Westerhoudt (Begeleider)
Sociable Smart Cities: rethinking our future through co-creative partnerships
I.J. Mulder (Lector)
Acting ingeniously
Stam, A. M.C. Eveline; Wakkee, Ingrid A.M.; Groenewegen, Peter; Honig, Benson; Lampel, Joseph; Drori, Israel
Animal cards, supermarket stunts and World Wide Fund for Nature
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)