Zocht je misschien: alignment?
Exploring Vivonline's brand resonance potential
Theo Bors (Begeleider); Jitte Milder-Sorber (Begeleider); Vivian Reijs (Begeleider); Kylie Brons (Student)
Frame Manipulator
W.J. Hijink (Begeleider); R.A. (Richard) Maduro (Student)
Ayurveda Health Travel Marketing
S.M. de Ruiter (Student); W.B. van Dam (Begeleider)
Talent recruitment and internships according to students
W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider); Karlien L. Spobeck (Student)
How can 'by LouLou' improve its business performance in the Netherlands?
S.E. de Ruijter (Student); L.J. Harris (Begeleider)
Study course Cape Town
Hein Coumou; Dennis Meijerink; Tjeerd Beemsterboer; Maik Peters; Thom Zijlstra
The Dutch non-profit market
Carina Mensching (Student); Nicole Heijdra (Begeleider)
Arleny Viola (Student)
Dynamic Service
Wil Akerboom (Begeleider); Nick den Boer (Student); Frens Burgert (Begeleider)
Generating inwards tourism by improving the brand knowledge and brand image, through communicating associations favored by the target group reflecting the city brand of Bratislava
Maria Poulaki (Begeleider); Suzanne Jellema (Student)