Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Introduction
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 1 Start
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 2a Requirements of the school
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 2b and Step 3a
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 3b
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 3c
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 4 and 5
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Summary and evaluation
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Expert by Experience Education
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Identifying Relevant Concepts for the Development of a Communicative Participation Item Bank for Children and Adolescents
Alons, Eline; Brauner, Laurien; Luinge, Margreet (Language Function & Healthy Ageing); Terwee, Caroline; Van Ewijk, Lisette; Gerrits, Ellen