Internal audit handling on board Carnival Corporation ships
J. van Berlo (Begeleider); D. Toms (Begeleider); Peter Harts (Begeleider); S.W.T. Vissia (Student)
Research to the development of a self-sufficient neighbourhood in Goes
P.M. Mol (Student); E.J.M. van der Reep (Begeleider); D. Roest (Begeleider); M.A.L. van Driel (Begeleider); W. Koens (Begeleider)
Ultrasonic Condition Based Lubrication
Marius Meerburg (Begeleider); M. Rietjens (Student)
Reduction of cyanobacterial problems with Moringa oleifera
N.M.E. Hoenjet (Student); Jouke Heringa (Begeleider); M. Mucci (Begeleider); M. Lürling (Begeleider)
Innovative monitoring methods for high resolution quick scans of water quality
Boogaard, Floris; Lima, Rui L.P.; Wiborg, Irene Asta; Gertz, Flemming; Graversgaard, Morten
Innovative monitoring methods for high resolution quick scans of water quality
Boogaard, Floris; de Lima, Rui; Wiborg, Irene Asta; Graversgaard, Morten
Effective International Knowledge Exchange to Rehabilitate Rivers in Urban Delta's with RDM approach
Boogaard, Floris; Boer, Eric; Heikoop, Rick; Palsma, Marius
Potential of floating production for delta and coastal cities
B. Dal Bo Zanon; B. Roeffen; K.M. Czapiewska; R.E. de Graaf; P.R. Mooij
Improving maritime maintenance through condition monioring and condition based management
Flip Wubben (Begeleider); P.J.H.M. Potmeer (Student); Arie de Groot (Begeleider)
Effective international knowledge exchange to rehabilitate rivers in urban delta’s: case study Metropolitan Manilla
Boogaard, Floris; Boer, Eric; Heikoop, Rick; Palsma, Marius