The implications of English-medium instruction on teaching practice and learning outcomes at The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Joyce den Heijer (Lid Lectoraat)
The Influence of the EU's Language Policy on the Language Policy of the Member States of the EU
Dave van Ginhoven (Begeleider); Marieke van Mil (Student)
Why do they study there? Diary research into students’ learning space choices in higher education
Geert Dewulf; Theo van der Voordt; Ronald Beckers the development of a web-based map application to encourage knowledge-sharing of climate-proofing and urban resilient projects
Tipping, Jonathan; Boogaard, Floris; Jaeger, R.; Duffy, A.; Klomp, T.; Manenschijn, M.
Implementation of external cephalic version in the Netherlands: a retrospective cohort study
F. Vlemmix; A.N. Rosman; S. te Hoven; S. van de Berg; M.A.H. Fleuren; M.E.B. Rijnders; A. Beuckens; B.C. Opmeer; B.W.J. Mol; M. Kok
Situation in Engineering Universities of Applied Science in Oulu and Eindhoven to Teach Methods to Achieve Innovations in Businesses
Dr.Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent)
Situation in Engineering Universities of Applied Science in Oulu and Eindhoven to Teach Methods to Achieve Innovations in Businesses
Dr. Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent); Ir. Hannu Päätalo
Catching the wave of video teaching
Zac Woolfitt (Student); Pieter Swager (Begeleider)
A Physics Teacher's Lifetime Search for PCK and Physics Representations across Contexts and Cultures
van den Berg, Ed; Taşar, Mehmet Fatih