Social factors in the energy transition
Wiekens, Carina
Contributing to health care transition bottom-up
Dommerholt, Egbert
Lokale energietransitie in Drenthe en Groningen
Germes, Lynette
Implementation of remote working
Fatme Feta (Student); Marieke Polinder (Docent); Ivan Bondokov (Begeleider)
Buren geeft Energie - workshop Buren
Pierie, Frank; van Dam, Karin I.M.; Jansma, Cas; Steenbeek, Jelmer
Grid governance; what new roles for the community energy movement?
van der Schoor, Tineke
Sociale factoren in de wijkaanpak: Garijp
Bouw, Kathelijne; de Boer, Anke; Wiekens, Carina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Elbert, Sarah (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society)
Local energy planning in the built environment: An analysis of model characteristics
Bouw, Kathelijne; Wiekens, Carina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Noorman, Klaas Jan; Faaij, André
Towards a Natural Social Contract
Patrick Huntjens (Lector)
Sociale factoren in de wijkaanpak: Paddepoel
Bouw, Kathelijne; Wiekens, Carina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Elbert, Sarah (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society)