Supply chain partnerships within housing renovation- approaches and expectations in the Dutch housing association sector
Ad Straub; Martin Roders; Vincent Gruis (Lector)
Sustainable Innovation in the Dutch Construction Industry
D. (Damon) Hassanpur Golriz (Lid Lectoraat); H.J. (Henk) Schout (Lid Lectoraat); S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector)
A scoring rubric for performance assessment of information literacy in Dutch Higher Education
A.A.J. (Jos) van Helvoort (Docent)
CPV system based on NIR reflecting lamellae integrated into a greenhouse: Optimizing of Optics
Pieter Sonneveld; Gert-Jan Swinkels
Feasibility study for combining cooling and high grade energy production in a solar greenhouse
G. Flamand; G. Bot; Gert-Jan Swinkels; Pieter Sonneveld
Metaphor Analysis as an Approach for Exploring Theoretical Concepts: The Case of Social Capital
Daniel Andriessen (Lector); Claire Gubbins
Innovating the Dutch construction industry: How to change?
Prof. J.W.F. Wamelink; Dr. Ir. Frens Pries (Lector)
A century of innovation in the Dutch construction
Dr. Ir. Frens Pries (Lector); André Dorée
The overlooked knowledge: exploring knowledge circulation in the scaling up of Local Innovation: the case of beehive construction and queen replacement in Enebsie District, Ethiopia
Getnet, A. (Student); Moore, I. de; Bernard
School improvement within a knowledge economy: Fostering professional learning from a multidimensional perspective
F. Geijsel; S. Bolhuis (Lector); P. Sleegers