Realising participation within an action research project on two care innovation units providing care for older people
Miranda Snoeren (Lid Lectoraat); Donna Frost (Lid Lectoraat)
SOAP in practice: learning outcomes of a cross-institutional innovation project conducted by teachers, student teachers, and teacher educators
Prof. Dr. Rob F. Poell; Dr. Audrey Seezink (Docent); Prof. Dr. Paul A. Kirschner
Continuing professional development needs of teachers in schools for competence-based vocational education: A case study from The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Rob F. Poell; Dr. Audrey Seezink (Docent)
Innovative learning for innovation
Dr. Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent)
Modelling human-like visual persception for intelligent multi-modal information fusion
C. Stevens; T.M. Hupkens; L.J.M. Rothkrantz
Designing and Testing an OD Intervention; Reporting Intellectual Capital to Develop Organizations
Daan Andriessen (Lector)
Asian and Western Intellectual Capital in Encounter; a Discussion Paper About our Different Views on Knowledge
Daan Andriessen (Lector); Marien van den Boom (Lid Lectoraat)
Combining design-based research and action research to test management solutions
Daan Andriessen (Lector)
A new research role for higher professional education
Floor Basten (Lector); J.A.T.M. (Jan) Geurts (Lector)
Don't wait till the cows come home: Action Research and Initial Teacher Education in three different countries.
P. Ponte (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector)