The strategic value of life-cycle costing
R.J.M. Beeres; P.C. van Fenema; M.T.I.B. Bollen; E. Dado
Towards the more-electric submarine
A.J. van Fulpen
Producing near-real-time intelligence
A.I. Barros; A.C. van den Broek; J.A. van Dalen; B. van der Vecht; J. Wevers
Towards TOP patterns for command and control
J.M. Jansen; B. Lijnse
Optimal deployment of military systems
P. J. Oonincx; A.J. van der Wal
Military sensor technology. Modern developments and challenges
J. Derksen; F. Bolderheij; M. Hartemink; R.R. Hordijk; O.J.G Somsen
Een getuige, daar word je wijzer van
J.P.E. Lousberg (Begeleider); C. Wix (Student)
Power denied?
J.E. Nöll; M.G.D. Rothman
The quest for 'evidence-based soldiering'
J.M.L.M. Soeters; J.J.D. Heeren-Bogers