Running apparel consumption explained
Erik Thibaut; Steven Vos (Lector); Jeroen Scheerder
Wat breng je in beeld als maatschappelijke impact?
van Orden, Claudia Y.D.; Irosemito, Malissa; Teesink, Francine
Improving the Business Succession Rate of SMEs in Oldambt, the Netherlands
Celina Gundlach (Student); Francisco Guzmán Muñoz (Begeleider)
Developing dialogue bottom-up: social enterprises and local government in the Netherlands
Hogenstijn, Maarten
Who Moved My Fabrics?
Abma, Jildou; Mossinkoff, Marco (Lectoraat Fashion Research & Technology)
An exploration of smart city approaches by international ICT firms
van den Buuse, Daniel (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation); Kolk, Ans
Social entrepreneurship and sustainable development
Lubberink, Rob; Leal Filho, Walter; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Brandli, Luciana; Salvia, Amanda Lange; Wall, Tony
Data mining in MRO
Pelt, Maurice; Apostolidis, Asteris; de Boer, Robert J.; Borst, Maaik; Broodbakker, Jonno; Jansen, Ruud; Helwani, Lorance; Patron, Roberto Felix; Stamoulis, Konstantinos (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering)
How to scale the societal impact of work integration social enterprises?
Leendert de Bell (Lector); Linda Drupsteen
Understanding the role of personality traits on Facebook intensity
L. Hatzithomas; Nikos Misirlis; C. Boutsouki; M. Vlachopoulou