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The agency of survivors of domestic violence
Mena, C. (Student); Witteveen, L.M.
Assessment of livelihoods of smallholder rice farmers in Aurangabad District, Bihar, India
Singh, V.K. (Student); Nederlof, E.S.
Assessing the effect of home gardening on smallholder farming households’ food availability and income supplementation
Kesselee, F. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Visual communication and social change
Witteveen, L.M.; Lie, R.
Cost-benefit analysis and GHG emission in dairy business models
Mudombi, B. (Student); Baars, R.M.T.
Understanding the complexity of food accessibility for rural female-headed households
Addow, A. (Student); Nederlof, E.S.
Villagers participation in Citizen Charter National Priority Programme of Rural Development Projects, Afghanistan
Rasooli, N. (Student); Witteveen, L.M.
The implementation of child participation-based approach through forum theatre to address violence against children
Roosahandita, A.D. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Strengthening avocado value chain for the export market
Hategekimana, C. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der
Dietary diversity and its effects on smallholder cashew farmers
Collins, E. (Student); Heger, M.C.