Healthcare practices and interventions in Europe towards families of older patients with cardiovascular disease
Mahrer-Imhof, Romy; Ostergaard, Birte; Brodsgaard, Anne; Konradsen, Hanne; Kolbrun-Svavarsdottir, Erla; Dieperink, Karin; Imhof, Lorenz; García-Vivar, Cristina; Luttik, Marie Louise (Familiezorg)
Trajectory of self-care behaviour in patients with heart failure
Liljeroos, Maria; Kato, Naoko P; van der Wal, Martje Hl; Brons, Maaike; Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Strömberg, Anna; Jaarsma, Tiny
Changing needs of heart failure patients and their families during the illness trajectory
Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); Jaarsma, Tiny; Strömberg, Anna
Components of heart failure management in home care; a literature review
Jaarsma, Tiny; Brons, Maaike; Kraai, Imke H.; Luttik, Marie Louise (Nursing Diagnostics); Stromberg, Anna
Depression and the heart: a systematic review of definition, measurement, consequences and treatment of depression in cardiovascular disease
F. Dobbels; Prof. Dr. L.E.M.J. Vanhees (Lector); S. de Geest; J. Vanhaecke; K. Schepens; R. Fagard