Toekomstverwachtingen voor de rundvleessector
Lohuis, J. (Student); Dijken, E.A. van
The role of Kongwa ranch to link smallholder beef producers to profitable markets
Nkullo, O.A. (Student); Verweij, F.
Assessment of the beef chains in Masvingo, Zimbabwe to improve small holder beef farmers' equity
Zvarevashe, M.N. (Student); Meinderts, J.
Assessment of hygiene practices used by small butchers and slaughter slabs in beef value chain in Juba town-South Sudan
Peter Andrea Samuel Aburi, P.A.S. (Student); Verschuur, M.
Investigating the economic potential of pastoralism : the case of Maasai pastoral beef chain in Kajiado district Kenya
Ngochembo, G.G. (Student); onbekend
Opportunity for value chain development by improving beef processing practices in rural Tanzania
Igbinnosa, M.A. (Student); Meinderts, J.H.
Possibility of introducing Smallholder Beef Cattle Farmer’s Association as a starting point to develop the beef cattle chain and improve their income in Arua district, Uganda
Candia, A. (Student); Baars, R.; Hoekstra, J.