Fish assemblages of three common artificial reef designs during early colonization
Hylkema, A. (Lid Lectoraat); Debrot, A.O.; Osinga, R.; Bron, P.S. (Lid Lectoraat); Heesink, D.B. (Student); Izioka, A.K.; Reid, C.B.; Rippen, J.C.; Treibitz, T.; Yuval, M.; Murk, A.J.
Van Wad naar Friese achterland
Zaat, D.S.C. (Student); Mollink, D. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Assink, S.M.
The habitat and nursery function of three types of artificial reefs for commercially and ecologically important species of fish
Peters, M. (Student); Cauter, M. de (Student); Hylkema, A.; Bron, P.S.
Finding the preferred artificial reef type for tourist divers on St. Eustatius
Ee, T. van (Student); Horst, L. ter (Student); Hylkema, A.; Bron, P.S.
Suitability analysis of three artificial reef types in the Dutch Caribbean
Heesink, D. (Student); Reid, C. (Student); Hylkema, A.; Bron, P.S.
Modelling the distribution of Galeorhinus galeus and Mustelus asterias in the Greater North- and Celtic Seas to provide recommendations for improved shark management under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Brefeld, D. (Student); Meyer, L. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Rippen, J.C.
The influence of herbivorous keystone fish species on the recruitment and growth of corals on artificial reefs
Laan, M. van der (Student); Pistor, M. (Student); Hylkema, A.; Bron, P.S.
Possibilities for improving selectivity in the Dutch demersal fisheries with the landing obligation
Kroon, N. (Student); Roozendaal, L. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Bron, P.S.
De gevoeligheid van kust en zeevogels in kaart voor de oliebestrijding
Garttener, C. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Vries, R.E. de
Project Holwerd aan Zee, een nieuwe zoet-zout verbinding?
Groot, L. de (Student); Nap , S. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Obinna, U.P.