Examining in-class activities to facilitate academic achievement in higher education: A framework for optimal indoor environmental conditions
Brink, Henk Willem
Raamwerk van binnenmilieu condities welke lesactiviteiten in klaslokalen van het hoger onderwijs optimaal faciliteren
Brink, Henk Willem
Understanding how indoor environmental classroom conditions influence academic performance in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem (Facility Management); Lechner, Stefan (Facility Management); Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
Positive effects of indoor environmental conditions on students and their performance in higher education classrooms
Brink, Henk Willem (Facility Management); Krijnen, Wim (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
Examining in-class activities to facilitate academic achievement in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem (Facility Management); Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P.; Kort, Helianthe S.M.
A systematic approach to quantify the influence of indoor environmental parameters on students' perceptions, responses, and short-term academic performance
Brink, Henk Willem (Facility Management); Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
The influence of indoor air quality in classrooms on the short-term academic performance of students in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P.; Kort, Helianthe S.M.
Meet up: leer welke elementen bijdragen aan een gezonde leer- en werkomgeving.
Mars, Saskia; Brink, Henk Willem
Symposium onderzoeksresultaten KennisCentrum NoorderRuimte
Mars, Saskia; Lechner, Stefan; Brink, Henk Willem