Sustainable management of the marine ecosystem through a marine spatial planning serious game
Koelma, E. (Student); Meijer, A. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Bannenberg, E.C.
Spreading of plastics near tidal inlet systems
Hee, F. van (Student); Pauw, F. (Student); Smit, P.J.; Beem, J.A. van
The effect of ingested plastic on the short-tailed shearwater and what measures NGOs can take to minimalize these effects
Seidensticker, S. (Student); Stolk, D. (Student); Assink, S.M.; Rippen, J.C.
Identifying obstacles preventing multi-use in offshore wind farms in relation to licencing in the Netherlands
Steinkönig, L. (Student); Walter, M. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Beem, J.A. van
Inzicht in acceptatie rondom windmolenparken
Correljé, T. (Student); Dijkema, T. (Student); Dümmer, I.M.; Busstra, M.
Testing the effectiviness of two methods for selectively trapping lionfish and estimating the feasibilty of a commercial lionfish fishery on Saba
Brokke, T. (Student); Veldman, R. (Student); Eerbeek, J. van; Heemstra, M.L.C.
Optimization of production and extraction of proteins from Ulva lactuca
Elias, R. (Student); Slagter, R. (Student); Wijers, T.; Visser, T.A.
Het Waterschap Noorderzijlvest op weg naar 2021
Hendriks, R. (Student); Zwaagstra, N. (Student); Smit, P.J.; Assink, S.M.
Van Wad naar Friese achterland
Zaat, D.S.C. (Student); Mollink, D. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Assink, S.M.