Opportunity for value chain development by improving beef processing practices in rural Tanzania
Igbinnosa, M.A. (Student); Meinderts, J.H.
Opportunities to integrate cassava flour as partial substitute in wheat bread in Nicaragua : an evaluation of consumers, local bakeries and cassava flour processing plants
Bolanos, J. (Student); Janssen, K.A.M.; Bossers, F.A.J.
Strengthening Rwandan food and agricultural product control system by adopting private control systems
Uwimbabazi, A. (Student); Hal, J.G.J. van; Baars, R.M.T.
Comparitve analysis of dry and wet processing of coffee with respect to quality in Kavre District, Nepal
Subedi, R.N. (Student); Campbell, T.B.; Baars, R.M.T.
The fearless planet organic palm oil project : a case of organic and fair trade palm oil production in Kwaebibirem District, Ghana
Foli, S.K. (Student); Hal, J.G.J. van
The impact of professional training on the floriculture sub-sector in Uganda
Kintu, D. (Student); Hal, J.G.J. van
Yam supply chain development :a case study of yam farmers in Kupang district, Indonesia
Bele, A.A. (Student); Hoekstra, J.; Baars, R.
Assessing milk borne bacterial contamination and possible strategies to reduce prevalence rates in dairy products by integration and self regulation of quality management in Zimbabwe dairy value chain
Waniwa, A. (Student); Glas, J.E.; Verschuur, C.M.
Dairy co-operatives in Bhutan : understanding potentials towards co-operatvie chain development
Sherpa, D.L. (Student); Meinderts, J.H.