How the Use of Social Marketing can Increase Student Well-being
Denise Reina; Nikos Misirlis
The innovator’s dilemma: the performance consequences of sequential or flexible exploration and exploitation patterns in turbulent environments
Anna Sabidussi; Boris Lokshin; Geert Duysters
A Managerial and Behavioral Approach in Aligning Stakeholder Goals in Sustainable Last Mile Logistics: A Case Study in the Netherlands
Frazen Zondervan; Enide Bogers; Luc van der Sande
A Managerial and Behavioral Approach in Aligning Stakeholder Goals in Sustainable Last Mile Logistics: A Case Study in the Netherlands
Frazen Zondervan; Enide Bogers; Luc van der Sande
Modeling Facebook users' behavior towards the use of pages related to healthy diet and sport activities
Nikos Misirlis; Marjon Elshof; Maro Vlachopoulou
Modeling Facebook users’ behavior towards the use of Facebook pages related to healthy diet and sport activities
Nikos Misirlis; Marjon Elshof; M. Vlachopoulou
Exploring peer feedback on behaviour in the international classroom: a case study on students’ experiences and perceptions
Ingrid Van Rompay-Bartels; Jannemieke Geessink
Dialogue and listening skills as core competencies of human-centred communication professionals in the Netherlands
Marjon Elshof; Bram Hendrawan
The Antecedents of Appreciative Inquiry based Curriculum Design for achieving the Quintuple Helix Outcomes: The AI-5HM Model
Kia Goolesorkhi; Florentin Popescu; T. Mphela