The relation between characteristics of learning environments and students' knowledge development in competence-based education
M. Koopman (Docent); P. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector)
Student Learning in Competence-Based Pre-Vocational Secondary Education
M. Koopman (Docent); P. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector); Perry den Brok
Zelfevaluatie Fontys PABO Tilburg
Drs. Edith Montfort; Dr. Anouke Bakx (Lector); Dr. Isabelle Diepstraten
Stimuleren van leren
Peter Teune (Lector); Anje Ros (Lector); Mariska Knol
Werken aan onderwijsvernieuwing
Dr Peter Teune (Lector); Drs Daniëlle de Boer (Lid Lectoraat); Conny de Laat (Docent)
Learning processes of students in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education
M. Koopman (Docent); P.J. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector); Perry den Brok
Professionele ontwikkeling van leraren basisonderwijs
dr. Anje Ros (Lector); prof. dr. Marc Vermeulen; drs. Iris Windmuller
Development of student knowledge in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education
P. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector); M. Koopman (Docent)
How to investigate the goal orientations of students in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education: choosing the right instrument.
Maaike Koopman (Lid Lectoraat); Peter Teune (Lector); Douwe Beijaard (Lector)
The relation between information processing strategies and the development of the body of knowledge of students in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education
M. Koopman (Docent); P.J. Teune (Lector); W.M.G. Jochems