Teaching a roadmap towards synchromodal transport
J.H.R. van Duin
Moving from intermodal to synchromodal transport: a maturity model applied to a case study in Northwestern Europe
K.M.R. (Kristel) Alons-Hoen; Guy Somers; J.H.R. van Duin
Moving from intermodal to synchromodal transport: a maturity model applied to a case study in Northwestern Europe (presentation)
K.M.R. (Kristel) Alons-Hoen; Guy Somers; J.H.R. van Duin
Environmental sustainability of freight transportation terminals
Sonja M. Protic; H. Geerlings; J.H.R. van Duin
Demasking the black hole of transportation?: a blocking road naar de ontwikkeling van een CO2 Blockchain-georienteerde (product) app
Y.L. Lont; J.H.R. van Duin; D. Jens; A.F. van Lier
Organizing building capacity for NetZero renovation
H. van Nunen; C.M. Ravesloot
Van stip naar stap: binnenstedelijke gebiedstransformatie
G. Peek; Tijmen Hamerslag
In-situ and operando scanning probe facility for the study of redox processes on nanometer scale in lithium ion batteries
W.J. Legerstee; Erik Kelder
Driverless electric vehicles at Businesspark Rivium near Rotterdam (the Netherlands): from operation on dedicated track since 2005 to public roads in 20120
Reanne Boersma; Dennis Mica; B. van Arem; Frank Rieck
Circulaire warmte: warmtepompen in de industrie
B.W. de Raad; M. van Lieshout