Impact of primary healthcare providers' initial role security and therapeutic commitment on implementing brief interventions in managing risky alcohol consumption: a cluster randomised factorial trial
M. Keurhorst; P. Anderson; M. Heinen; P. Bendtsen; B Baena; K Brzozka; J Colom; P. Deluca; C Drummond; E. Kaner; K. Kloda; A. Mierzecki; D. Newbury-Birch; K Okulicz-Kozaryn; J Palacio-Vieira; K. Parkinson; J. Reynolds; G Ronda; L. Segura; L Slodownik; F Spak; B van Steenkiste; P Wallace; A Wolstenholme; M. Wojnar; A. Gual; Miranda Laurant; M. Wensing
Solo emergency care by a physician assistant versus an ambulance nurse: a cross-sectional document study
A. Bloemhoff; Lisette Schoonhoven; A.J.L. de Kreek; PM van Grunsven; Miranda Laurant; Sivera Berben
Strategies in primary healthcare to implement early identification of risky alcohol consumption: why do they work or not? A qualitative evaluation of the ODHIN study
M. Keurhorst; M. Heinen; J Colom; C Linderoth; U Mussener; K Okulicz-Kozaryn; J Palacio-Vieira; L. Segura; F Silfversparre; L Slodownik; E Sorribes; Miranda Laurant; M. Wensing
Physician assistants in medical ward care: a descriptive study of the situation in the Netherlands
M.C.J. Timmermans; Anneke van Vught; M Van den Berg; ED Ponfoort; F Riemens; J. van Unen; T Wobbes; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
The effectiveness of substitution of hospital ward care from medical doctors to physician assistants: a study protocol (vol 14, 43, 2014)
M.C.J. Timmermans; Anneke van Vught; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
Determinants of the sustained employment of physician assistants in hospitals: a qualitative study
M.C.J. Timmermans; Anneke van Vught; I.T.H.M Maassen; L Draaijer; AGM Hoofwijk; M Spanier; W. van Unen; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
Local networks of community and healthcare organisations: a mixed methods study
Wendy Kemper; J. Koetsenruijter; A. Rogers; Miranda Laurant; M. Wensing
Physician substitution by mid-level providers in primary healthcare for older people and long-term care facilities: protocol for a systematic literature review
Marleen Lovink; A. Persoon; Anneke van Vught; R.T.C.M. Koopmans; Lisette Schoonhoven; Miranda Laurant
Implementation strategies to enhance management of heavy alcohol consumption in primary health care: a meta-analysis
MB do Amaral-Sabadini; P. Anderson; E. Kaner; D. Newbury-Birch; J Braspenning; M. Wensing; M. Heinen; Miranda Laurant; M. Keurhorst; I. van de Glind
Professional's Attitudes Do Not Influence Screening and Brief Interventions Rates for Hazardous and Harmful Drinkers: Results from ODHIN Study
P. Bendtsen; P. Anderson; M. Wojnar; D. Newbury-Birch; U Mussener; J Colom; N Karlsson; K Brzozka; F Spak; P. Deluca; C Drummond; E. Kaner; K. Kloda; A. Mierzecki; K Okulicz-Kozaryn; K. Parkinson; J. Reynolds; G Ronda; L. Segura; J Palacio; B Baena; L Slodownik; B van Steenkiste; A Wolstenholme; P Wallace; M. Keurhorst; Miranda Laurant; A. Gual