Which Personal and Organizational Factors Influence the Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Shipyard Blue-Collar Workers?
A. Reig-Botella; M. Clemente; Sarah Detaille; Annet de Lange; J. López-Golpe
What about the Factor Time in Sustainable Employability Research? An Overview of Theory-Based Organizational Research
Annet de Lange; Dorien Kooij; Trude Furunes
Stimulating Job Crafting Behaviors of Older Workers: the Influence of Opportunity-Enhancing Human Resource Practices and Psychological Empowerment
Dorien Kooij; Annet de Lange; K. van de Voorde
Age Discrimination and Employability in Healthcare Work: A Double-Edged Sword for Older Workers?
Karen Pak; Trude Furunes; Annet de Lange
Disruptiveness of private life events and work ability: The interaction effects of on-the-job training and supervisor support climate
Karen Pak; M. Wang; Dorien Kooij; Annet de Lange; Marc van Veldhoven
Taming the flood of findings: What makes for a really useful literature review in occupational health psychology?
T. Taris; Annet de Lange; K. Nielsen
Working from home: mismatch between access and need in relation to work–home interference and fatigue
A. de Wind; D.G.J. Beckers; Hylco Nijp; W. Hooftman; A.G.E.M. de Boer; S.A.E. Geurts
Inspanning uit balans: Een integraal psychologisch perspectief op de werkdrukproblematiek.
Hylco Nijp
Loopbaan APK's gekeurd: Inventarisatie van instrumenten voor loopbaanbegeleiding
Sarah Detaille; Derk-Jan Nijman; J. Post; Edwin Buijs; jos sanders
Duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk – De werknemer, de werkgever of beiden aan zet?
Annet de Lange; Beatrice van der Heijden