What are they looking at? : visual search behaviour of Grand Prix judges
What are they looking at? : visual search behaviour of Grand Prix judges
The outcome of the study showed that the 17 participating judges looked primarily on the front part of the horse, especially the forearm. Furthermore, considering the back of the horse, the area of the lower hind limb got particular attention, namely the cannon bone, the pastern and the hoof. The rider got most fixations on his lower leg. These emphasises of fixations were proven to be significant. Additionally, significant differences in fixation count within the single exercises were shown. The passage got most fixations. Against the assumptions there is no correlation between the total fixations and the total score.
Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Dier- en veehouderij |
Jaar | 2011 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |