Motivations for playing Guild Wars.
What motivates people to play Guild Wars and how ArenaNet can keep its players motivated to play, now and in the future.Motivations for playing Guild Wars.
What motivates people to play Guild Wars and how ArenaNet can keep its players motivated to play, now and in the future.Samenvatting
Every year so many new games are coming out on the market, while free time becomes a scarcity. It is hard for game developers to make games that catch the eye and attract the attention of players. ArenaNet wants to know how to make their games stand out and motivate their players to keep playing them. In order to give ArenaNet recommendations on how to captivate their players, research was
conducted. The different research methods that have been used are: Desk research; Online survey; Online forums; Interviews. By looking at and analyzing the research, it was possible to reach a conclusion and give an answer to the research and policy questions. The players have several different reasons for playing Guild Wars, and according to Nick Yee's motivations, these are: Escapism; Socializing; Advancement; Discovery. They are involved in the online communities because of these reasons: (1) Sharing and obtaining new information about the game from others. (2) Being around like-minded people. (3) Socializing. (4) Discussing game mechanics, tactics and new ideas. (5) Having a place to communicate with each other. After answering the research questions, it was possible to answer the policy question and give recommendations to ArenaNet on what they should do to keep players motivated to play their games. The recommendations are divided into the three "themes‟ that are mentioned several times as for why people play Guild Wars. Each "theme‟ has its own recommendations, which are: Motivation; Community; Business model.
Organisatie | Hogeschool Utrecht |
Opleiding | International Communication and Media |
Afdeling | Communicatie |
Partner | ArenaNet (Game development) |
Datum | 2011-05 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |