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In search of a matching knight’s leap? Academics’ role transitions in their expanded role portfolio with researcher roles at new universities: Building profiles

In search of a matching knight’s leap? Academics’ role transitions in their expanded role portfolio with researcher roles at new universities: Building profiles


In many European countries, higher education institutions outside the university sector now have a formal mandate to perform research related to regional needs and the improvement of education and professional practice (Kyvik & Lepori, 2010). The term 'new universities' will be used for those institutions. In our study, we focus on the expansion of academics’ role portfolios at new universities, researcher roles alongside teacher roles. The guiding research question study was: In what different ways do research and teaching active academics understand their roles and role transitions as a consequence of expanding their role portfolio with researcher roles?

OrganisatieHAN University of Applied Sciences
AfdelingAcademie Mens en Maatschappij
Lectoraten overig
LectoraatGoed Bestuur en Innovatiedynamiek in Maatschappelijke Organisaties

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