Camera Provisioning
Camera Provisioning
This thesis is the result of the graduation phase of the HBO-ICT: Soft-ware Engineering bachelor degree by Thymo van Beers. A researchproject was conducted at BauWatch lasting 20 weeks. Bauwatch pro-vides outdoor security throughout Europe using thousands of cam-eras. The goal of this thesis is to design a solution that can easilymanage these cameras. The main research question is, ”How cana large number of remote security cameras of different models andbrands be managed from a centralized system?” The goal of the projectwas to research possible solutions and to build a prototype whichallowed for the centralized remote management of camera parame-ters.In order to define the requirements of the systen a focus group wasformed with two engineers. They would provide some technical re-quirements so the project outcomes could be used to develop a prod-uct after the project ends. Additionally, an interview was conductedwith product management to better define the problems being ex-perienced.Using these requirements a proof of concept of a centralized systemhas been developed that stores configuration parameters as tem-plates. The configuration using these templates can be done throughan extensible interface so that support for new types of devices caneasily be added. Additionally a method is given for maintaining revi-sions of these templates using git. These techniques have been com-bined into a system design and the workings of this design are imple-mented as a prototype.The results of this thesis show that management of different cam-eras through a single system is possible. In the future the prototypecould be extended with a graphical user interface and a client/servermodel as the current solution only provides for single user accessthrough a text interface.