Analysis of the layer chicken value chain for the development of a market-oriented chain to improve profitability of farmers in Rulindo district, Rwanda
Analysis of the layer chicken value chain for the development of a market-oriented chain to improve profitability of farmers in Rulindo district, Rwanda
This research was conducted in Rulindo District to analyze the existing layer chicken value chain and designing a market oriented chain which should empower the medium chicken farmers to access on the market and maximizing their profit. The research was conducted in six sectors of Rulindo District through survey for 40 medium layer chicken farmers and focus group discussions organized and conducted with 24 medium chicken farmers subdivided into group, the first combined chicken farmers from Base and Bushoki sectors and the second combined chicken farmers from Rusiga and Mbogo sectors. The preference choice was based on a significant number of chicken farmers agglomerated in those sectors.
Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Agricultural Production Chain Management |
Partner | Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein |
Datum | 2019-09-01 |
Type | Master |
Taal | Engels |