Zocht je misschien: patients?
Experiences of Norwegian Mothers Attending an Online Course of Therapeutic Writing Following the Unexpected Death of a Child
Reinekke Lengelle (Onderzoeker)
Career Writing and the Tale of Two Sisters
Reinekke Lengelle (Onderzoeker)
Checklist "Ik maak me zorgen. In gesprek met ouders"
Ketner, Susan Liesbeth (Integrale Aanpak Kindermishandeling)
Working together towards family-school partnership:
Spruijt, Rosanne; Kassenberg, Annelies (Youth And Living Environment); Willemse, Martijn
Vignettes to measure social interactions among nonparental adults and parents in the neighbourhood: a validation study
Rumping, Sanne (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg); Fukkink, Ruben (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Boendermaker, Leonieke (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg)
Social interactions among nonparental adults and parents in the neighbourhood: a mixed-method vignette study
Rumping, S. M. (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg); Boendermaker, L. (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg); Fukkink, R. G.
Fostering supportive structures for families in the neighbourhood
Rumping, Sanne (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg); Fukkink, Ruben; Boendermaker, Leonieke
Do physical work factors and musculoskeletal complaints contribute to the intention to leave or actual dropout in student nurses? A prospective cohort study
J.A.H.M. Kox; J. Runhaar; J.H. Groenewoud; S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra; E.J.M. Bakker; H.S. Miedema; P.D.D.M. Roelofs
Ketner, Susan