Comparison and evaluation of the roles of tomato farmer cooperatives in Taiwan and The Netherlands
Lin, B.-S. (Student); Verschuur, M.
Exploring the economic feasibility of implementation of sustainable agrotourism project in Bergerden Agropark to attract greenhouse entrepreneurs for investment
Kamalipour, E. (Student); onbekend
Utilizacao de softwares livres no apoio as ativitades didaticas em disciplinas du curso de Engenharia de controle e automacao
da Silva, Thaynara Leal; da Costa, Wagner Teixeira; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Desenvolvimento de interface de comunicacao e expansao para kit de robotica educacional
Mendes, Daniel Barcelos; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Organizations as professional communities in the post/modern era.
drs. ing. Adriaan Oosterloo
Investigating the potential and feasibility of conducting scientific research on the impact of phytonics 'gluco balance' on insulin resistant horses
Denkhaus, L. (Student); Laarakker, E.; Verweij, F.
Food safety concerncs in broiler sub sector : understanding potential hazards arise in the Herat broiler vertical chain that impact on poultry meat safety
Qader Gulzari, A. (Student); Oude Luttikhuis, W.M.T.
Spatial distribution of grazers in Noord-Friesland buitendijks
Jaeger, J. de (Student); Verburg, A. (Student); Hofman, P.A.G.; Strijkstra, A.M.
Een inventarisatie en analyse van de ruimtelijke ontwikkelingen van twee gemeenten in de Drents-Groningse Veenkoloniën
Sijtsma, A. (Student); Kuiper, D.G.; Bonnema, E.
The decision making patterns between men and women in sugarcane and other food crops : a case of Madibo Sub location, Western Kenya
Aramisi, S.M. (Student); Gildemacher, B.H.