Samen leren op het speelveld tussen theorie en praktijk
Ruijters, M.C.P.; Kruijf, D. de; Mientjes, E.
Transformative research and education in Living Labs using the SDGs as a compass
Eweg, H.P.A. (Lector); Heijmans, A.
Climate adaptation in architectural education
Psarra, Ifigeneia; Bernardt, Clemens
NOM IN-Company: Hydrogen, Batteries and LNG Course Participation
van der Laan, Marten
"When the moment begins to heave and expand in great circles. Slowing down in times that are urgent", reflection and exercise
van Boeckel, Jan
Presentatie Klimaatadaptatie Spilpunt
Koning, Joey
Informatiemarkt Dag van het Riool
Roest, Allard
Suikerbrij Festival
Koning, Joey; Roest, Allard
River imaginaries and climate change adaptation in fishermen, farmers' communities and modellers
de Jong, Lotte
Energy, Environment and Societies in Crises
van der Schoor, Tineke; Van der Windt, Henny J.