Good practices in cultural heritage management and the use of subsurface knowledge in urban areas
De Beer, Johannes; Boogaard, Floris
Multiple perspectives in bottom-up planning for urban space
Levelt, M. (City Net Zero)
Urban growth, and transportation in Kuala Lumpur
Shokoohi, Roya; Nikitas, Alexandros
Living Lab rapport CityServiceBike
Balm, S.H. (City Net Zero); Boerema, M.J.; Morse, I.; van Genderen, Elza
Resident participation in neighbourhood audit tools
Hofland, Aafke C.L.; Devilee, Jeroen; van Kempen, Elise; den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving)
10 tips voor een goede transmurale overdracht
van Seben, Rosanne; Geerlings, Suzanne E.; Buurman, Bianca M.
Coming to grips with urban environmental quality in planning sustainable cities
Rien van Stigt (Lid Lectoraat); Peter Driessen (Onderzoeker); Tejo Spit (Onderzoeker)
Rotterdam: do-it-yourself assemblages in urban regeneration
Beitske Boonstra; W. Lofvers
On the Necessity of an Integrated, Participative and Adaptive Approach to Sustainable Urban Environmental Quality Planning
Rien van Stigt (Lid Lectoraat); Peter Driessen; Tejo Spit
Workbench spatial quality
Diemont, E.; Cilliers, J.; Stobbelaar, D.J. (Lector); Timmermans, W.