Zocht je misschien: provide?
Lipid analysis of Musca domestica larvae reared at different temperatures
Kolder, N. (Student); Ekkel, E.D.
Impact of smart charging for consumers in a real world pilot
Bons, Pieter C.; Buatois, Aymeric; Ligthart, Guido; Geerts, Frank; Piersma, Nanda; van den Hoed, Robert
Continuous versus intermittent infusion of cefotaxime in critically ill patients
Aardema, Heleen; Bult, Wouter; van Hateren, Kai; Dieperink, Willem; Touw, Daan J; Alffenaar, Jan-Willem C; Zijlstra, Jan G; Dieperink, Willem
Talent in international business defined: implications and applications for honours education
van Heugten, Petra; Jaarsma, A. D. C.
Wine, a social indicator in Vietnam
Page, E. (Student); Burgess, P.
Using the organic label in Spanish wine marketing
Tardy, M. (Student); Medema, T.
Effect of hatchery, breed and breeder flock age on egg weight loss and hatchability
Vandeputte, E. (Student); Heerkens, J.
Effects of a school-based sports program on psychosocial health and attention in youth with physical disabilities
Maremka Zwinkels; Marjolijn Ketelaar; Tanja Nijboer; Olaf Verschuren; Saskia te Velde (Lid Lectoraat); Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat); Tim Takken; Anne Visser‑Meily
Children with language delay referred to Dutch speech and hearing centres: caseload characteristics
Karin Wiefferink; Camilla van Beugen; Barbara Wegener Sleeswijk; Ellen Gerrits (Lector)