Musicians in the 21st century – changing perspectives
Smilde, Rineke; Sternal, Małgorzata
Behavioral quantification of audiomotor transformations in improvising and score-dependent musicians
Harris, Robert; van Kranenburg, Peter; de Jong, Bauke
Music and Lifelong Learning Research Symposium 2016
Smilde, Rineke
Lifelong learning
Smilde, Rineke
This is our music : meaningfulness in collaborative music practices with elderly people
Dons, Karolien
Biography, identity, improvisation, sound: intersections of personal and social identity through improvisation
Smilde, Rineke
A health agenda in terms of a learning context
Smilde, Rineke
Lifelong Learning and Healthy Ageing
Smilde, Rineke; Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education)
On music and dementia
Smilde, Rineke; Alheit, Peter; Evans, Rob
Improvisation and identity in community music
Smilde, Rineke