Business model & value chain innovation to commercialize micro-scale production of biomethane
Smit, Annet Jantien
Talent buitenspel
Oden, Petra; Tissing, Margreet; Kruit, Nel; Kanters, Anja; Dragtstra, Ingrid; Kruijshaar, Inge; Hoekstra, Myrthe
Social Enterprises in The Hague
Mireia Kliege Ferrer (Student); A.J. (Bert) van den Bergh
Motivations and entrepreneurial orientation of sustainable entrepreneurs: an exploratory study of sustainable entrepreneurship archetypes in the fashion industry
Bohnsack, René; Divito, Lori (Amsib (Cedis)); Lindgreen, Adam; Maon, François; Vallaster, Christine; Yousafzai, Shumaila; Palacios Florencio, Beatriz
Ideas, Context and Connections: Conceptual Framing of the Opportunity to Innovate for Migrant Entrepreneurs
Alvarado, Juan Francisco (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap)
Growing plants with high protein content in the Netherlands
Vries, J.J. de (Student); Kuipers, S.
Participeren in een BedrijvenInvesteringsZone
Oden, Petra; Keizer, Jolanda
Opleiden voor de krapte op de arbeidsmarkt
Oden, Petra; Offers, Ellen
Current perspectives on the Internet of Things: summary of keynotes IoT Days Rotterdam 2017 and 2018
P.W.M. Rutten (Lector)
Meting Aanbod Gemeentelijke Digitale Dienstverlening aan "Ondernemers in zwaar weer" - 2018
Sterk, Antoinne; Wakkee, Ingrid (Kenniscentrum Fbe); Alvarado Valenzuela, Juan Fra (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap)