Gemeenten kunnen creatiever aanbesteden
van Orden, Claudia Y.D.
Local energy planning in the built environment: An analysis of model characteristics
Bouw, Kathelijne; Wiekens, Carina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Noorman, Klaas Jan; Faaij, André
Exploring teacher awareness of intuition and how it affects classroom practices: conceptual and pragmatic dimensions
Jürg Thölke (Lector); Rob Martens (Onderzoeker); Susan McKenney (Onderzoeker); Gerbert Sipman (Onderzoeker)
Valuing the client or the property?
Pim Klamer (Lid Lectoraat)
Designing chatbots for training professionals in child and youth social care
Beauxis-Aussalet, Emma; Otte, Koen; Boendermaker, Leonieke (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg)
The current state of synchromodality: an application of a synchromodal maturity model on case studies in the Netherlands and Belgium
K. Alons; G. Somers; J.H.R. van Duin
Using data analytics results in practice: challenges and solution directions
R. Choenni; M.S. Bargh; C.P.M. Netten; S. van den Braak
Using problems with wicked tendencies as vehicles for learning in higher professional education: towards coherent curriculum design
Marieke Veltman (Lid Lectoraat); Hanno van Keulen (Lector); Joke Voogt
Financiële risico’s duurzaam vrachtlogistiek over water
Souhailla Essalhi (Student); Giovanni Douven (Begeleider)